The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Canada Saturday, January 18, 1964 - Page 27
R. Fischer Coming
The young American champion, Bobby Fischer, who astonished the chess world by making a clean sweep in the recent defense of his title at N.Y., will play here on the afternoon of Feb. 23rd against all comers (50 boards) in a simultaneous exhibition. The fee is $5.00 each and reservations may be made in advance with Leslie Witt, 2261 Prud'homme Ave., Montreal 28. The place of play will be announced later. Those who win or draw receive a one-year subscription to the American Chess Quarterly. If two or more wish to play on the same board, they may do so. One will be charged $5.00 and the others $1.00 each admission as spectators.
The next evening on Feb. 24th, Fischer will take on ten experts using clocks. The fee is $15.00.
The charge for spectators at each exhibition will be $1.00 and reservations can also be made in advance, as space may have to be limited.