Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Wednesday, January 08, 1964 - Page 10
Fischer Continues Miracles in Game
Bobby Fischer continues to perform chess miracles.
Now 20 years old, the Brooklynite has just won, the United States Championship for the sixth time.
He has won it without losing or even drawing a single game, winning all 11 in the round robin. This is the first time such a feat has ever been performed in a major tournament in this country.
Eleven Victims
Included among the 11 players to fall victim to the young genius was Sammy Reshevsky, who like Bobby had won this title five times previous to this tournament. Reshevsky could do no better than a tie for fourth in this one.
Behind Fischer and his 11-0 score came the field in this order:
Larry Evans, a former champion, second at 7½; Pal Benko third at 7; Reshevsky and Dr. Anthony Saidy, 6½ each; Robert Byrne 5½; Raymond Weinstein, 5; Arthur Bisguier, another former champion, 4½; William Addison and Edmar Mednis, 3½ each; Robert Steinmeyer, 3; and Donald Byrne, 2½.
Fischer's closest call apparently came in his last game, against Saidy, after he had the title clinched and the pressure might have been off—except for the desire to maintain a sheet free of draws as well as losses. This game went 56 moves and had to be adjourned. Saidy studied his sealed moves before adjournment for 40 minutes. As soon as it was unsealed the next night it became clear it was a loser and Fischer went on to win.
Shows Opponent
Then the pieces were replaced at the adjournment position and Fischer showed his opponent that if he had made a different move he could have gained a draw!