El Paso Herald-Post El Paso, Texas Thursday, February 06, 1964 - Page 18
Not Enough Interest in Chess?
EDITOR: On the evening of Jan 3. 20-year-old Bobby Fischer from Brooklyn won the United States Chess Championship for the sixth time!
This is what the January issue of “Chess Life” says, “By virtue of Fischer's stunning performance (11-0), the U.S. Championship will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the greatest chess events of all time. Though the winner was never in doubt, few tournaments have produced as much excitement. The tension built-up, round by round, as one player after another resigned to the 20-year-old grandmaster from Brooklyn.”
Again quoting from “Chess Life”. “Bobby Fischer, grandmaster at the age of 14, has now won the national title for the sixth time. At the moment he seems clearly to be in a class by himself among American players. The next step—the only further step possible to a player who has done just about everything else—is the World Championship. Will Fischer enter the Interzonal this summer in order to try for a match with Tigran Petrosian? (The Russian Champion.)”
As amazing as Fischer's performance was in this tournament, it is almost as amazing to find that very few American newspapers print this type of news, and this despite the fact that the news of this history-making event were flashed to the world. —Hector M. Fabela, 5904 Delta.