The Corpus Christi Caller-Times Corpus Christi, Texas Sunday, February 09, 1964 - Page 51
Game from the Stockholm Inter-Zonal
(a) Sacrifice a pawn, which Fischer accepts without hesitation. It is usually doubtful if one can take on QN7 with the Queen but Bobby knows the “book” backwards.
(b) Doesn't consider taking the sacrificed Bishop. Development is much more important now.
(c) If 15… QxN; 16. N-B5 decides.
(d) Not 18… K-R2; as after 19. BxP., Black has no way of stopping the mate on KN1.
(e) Bobby, in a Wild West role, remains cool and calm!
(f) Time trouble for sure. With 21, Q-K8ch, K-R2; 22. RxN, (illegible) Qx?ch; 23. K-B1, Black has to go for the perpetual check, as mate on KR8 is threatened.
(g) Q-K7 would hold the game
(h) While overstepped the time—he was lost anyway.