Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona Saturday, January 04, 1964 - Page 18
Fischer Wins 6th Chess Championship In 7 Years
New York, Jan. 3 (AP)—Bobby Fischer, 20, of Brooklyn, won the United States chess championship Friday for the sixth time in a the past seven years. He set a national record with a clean sweep score of 11-0.
Twelve of the nation's best rated players compete annually for $6,000 in prizes offered by the American Chess Foundation and the U.S. Chess Federation.
Fischer won first prize of $2,000 and second prize of $1,000 went to Larry Evans of Las Vegas, Nev., who scored 7½ points to 3½ for his opponents.
Fischer, a contender for world chess honors, won his final match in a 12-round tourney that began Dec. 15 from Dr. Anthony Saidy of Puerto Rico.
Dr. Saidy, as white, conducted an English opening against Fischer's black pieces and an exchange of queens occurred on the 15th move. By the 23rd move, all pieces had been exchanged except one bishop for Saidy and one knight for Fischer.
Both men had six pawns and the position appeared to be a draw.
However, with resumption of play after a one-day adjournment, Fischer, with precise play, forced his opponent's resignation.
Evans won in the final round over Dr. Donald Byrne of State College, Pa.