The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Canada Saturday, March 28, 1964 - Page 18
A new high in quality format is revealed in the first issue off the press of “Chessworld”, a bi-monthly edited and published by Frank Brady (former editor of the USACF organ “Chess Life”). It is not designed to compete with existing chess periodicals, the aim of “Chessworld” is to present a variety of material that will broaden and deepen the chessplayer's knowledge of the many facets of the game other than news, games and technique that are already well-covered. Outstanding articles are Bobby Fischer's controversial selection of the ten greatest players in history; A. Kotov's appraisal of why the Russians are so strong in chess, and a 30-page article on Paul Morphy by David Lawson, with some photos and games never before published. There are half a dozen articles finely illustrated including one on Shakespeare.