Berwyn Life Berwyn, Illinois Wednesday, August 26, 1964 - Page 6
A Study In Concentration — It was quiet, very quiet for the only sound to break the still, intense air in the vast Albright Gymnasium at Western Electric was the feet shuffling sound of United States chess champion Bobby Fischer as he moved from chess board to chess board in a recent simultaneous chess exhibition which was jointly sponsored by the Hawthorne Chess Club and the Chicago Industrial Chess League. Fischer, a wizard at the game who has won the U.S. crown six times, faired well. Mentally battling 20 Hawthorne Works players and 30 others from the Industrial Chess League, he lost only once: to Erwin Pato, 2309 Albany ave., Chicago, on the 21st move. Fischer won 44 games. Five were draws. Fischer's four Cicero opponents, George Bandik, 5525 W. 23rd st.; Karl Dobr, 4938 W. 23rd pl.; Jerry Fajkus, 5546 Cermak rd., and Tony Vikrikas, 3220 S. 54th ave., were among the losers but all agreed the contest was fun and that they learned a lot.